incident be 113.36   Are such incidents on the rise?
  incident occur 70.11   A week earlier, a similar incident occurred.
  incident take 28.51   India denied the incident took place.
  incident happen 26.27   Incidents happen.
  incident come 18.70   That incident came Thursday.
  incident begin 9.94   The incident began innocently enough.
  incident involve 7.90   All the incidents involved guns.
  incident lead 7.57   The incident led to a court martial.
  incident follow 7.31   These incidents followed a set pattern.
  incident prompt 7.18   The incident prompted a KFOR raid.
  incident cause 6.78   The incident caused uproar.
  incident spark 6.45   That incident sparked the genocide.
  incident have 5.73   The incident also had its funny moments.
  incident raise 5.33   Such incidents raise a question.
  incident appear 4.08   The incidents appear to be isolated.
  incident become 3.88   The incident became legend.
  incident leave 3.88   But the whole incident left me shaken.
  incident highlight 3.62   The incident highlights the poor security situation in Mostar.
  incident make 3.62   The incident made me more human.
  incident show 3.62   But the incident shows how frustrated Indians are.
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