11.   If they are the same you can delete the file containing the module reported in the error.

12.   In this case the file should be deleted and the package created again.

13.   You must not delete this file.

14.   To delete a file whose name is known only at run-time, use the OSCLI command.

15.   You can use OSCLI for deleting a file whose name is a constant, but you must include all of the command line -- in quotes this time.

16.   In addition a password file had been deleted.

17.   And if you forget it, Greenlee warns, the only thing you can do is delete the file and start over.

18.   Another way to copy, move or delete files is with something called QuickFiler.

19.   A user can visit an Internet site, open a word processing program and delete a file, all from within the same browser interface.

v. + file >>共 433
open 4.86%
download 3.71%
have 3.22%
delete 3.02%
save 2.72%
include 2.57%
keep 2.45%
transfer 2.22%
send 1.99%
review 1.95%
delete + n. >>共 195
file 11.97%
reference 6.36%
message 5.45%
name 4.09%
provision 4.09%
information 2.73%
e-mail 2.27%
material 1.97%
record 1.82%
clause 1.82%
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