1.   Inserting and deleting records also presents a problem.

2.   Deleting a record may also present problems.

3.   When deleting a record, not only has the data record to be deleted but all mentions of it in the indexes have also to be deleted.

4.   When the item is received, the record is deleted from the file and the amended file can be printed out.

5.   Although the NASD says it stopped deleting withdrawn customer complaints in April, it still deletes records of arbitrations when an arbitration panel requests it.

6.   All immigrant visa records are automatically deleted from the Embassy files after two years, one official said.

7.   Delete records from previous day.

8.   If no activity had been recorded in the past four years, the records were deleted.

9.   Is there a way to delete all records of which Internet sites have been visited?

10.   The agency also has been deleting records of arbitration complaints when a panel of arbitrators asks that it be done.

v. + record >>共 728
have 11.38%
set 9.81%
keep 6.68%
break 6.42%
hold 2.03%
defend 1.69%
check 1.59%
reach 1.58%
hit 1.52%
make 1.41%
delete 0.15%
delete + n. >>共 195
file 11.97%
reference 6.36%
message 5.45%
name 4.09%
provision 4.09%
information 2.73%
e-mail 2.27%
material 1.97%
record 1.82%
clause 1.82%
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