11.   We therefore also plotted individual dose-response curves of log plasma gastrin against the basal-subtracted acid output.

12.   We also found the basal acid output to be significantly greater in patients with duodenal ulcers and with H pylori than in patients with duodenal ulcers without this infection.

13.   Our present findings are consistent with the generally accepted view that peak acid output reflects the parietal cell mass and is not altered by eradication of H pylori.

14.   Gastric intubation studies of seven healthy adult volunteers showed a direct relation between changes in gastric acid secretion and changes in urine acid output.

15.   Measurement of the urine alkaline tide as an index of gastric acid output, has been proposed as a non-invasive alternative to conventional gastric secretion studies.

16.   We have adapted this technique and describe a method of measuring changes in urine acid output that is suitable for use in paediatric community studies.

17.   Johnson et al suggested that changes in urine and gastric acid output were linearly related.

18.   After this, subjects were sham fed a standard test meal for determination of sham fed acid output, as previously described.

19.   Acid output was calculated by multiplying the hydrogen ion concentration by the volume of the gastric aspirate.

20.   Analysis of acid output including or excluding these three subjects did not significantly alter the results.

a. + output >>共 376
industrial 16.99%
economic 6.15%
manufacturing 5.66%
total 2.89%
increased 2.61%
higher 2.12%
lower 1.91%
acid 1.91%
agricultural 1.53%
global 1.42%
acid + n. >>共 206
secretion 17.59%
reflux 6.23%
output 4.85%
attack 2.91%
clearance 2.63%
jazz 2.22%
battery 2.08%
level 1.94%
solution 1.80%
trip 1.80%
每页显示:    共 35