1.   It would be tedious to multiply the statistics of growing agricultural output and productivity.

2.   Reduced underemployment, mechanization and improved methods of cultivation allowed agricultural output to grow significantly and employment to fall substantially.

3.   So what was the overall effect of rent transfer, of agricultural output as a result of the abolition of rent landlords?

4.   Bad weather caused agricultural output to decline.

5.   El Nino started affecting Peru last year by upsetting fish migration patterns and making agricultural output less predictable because of unusual rainfall levels.

6.   Most politicians, including the Clinton Administration, back the industry as the way of the future for agriculture, boosting agricultural output to match a growing population.

7.   Poised on the edge of the Pacific and leading the nation in agricultural output, California is a natural source to feed the expanding middle class in these countries.

8.   San Miguel officials said the company continues to be affected by bad weather that marred agricultural output, pushed up commodity prices and hurt rural incomes.

9.   They cite political instability in Nigeria and Zaire and tie growth in countries like Zimbabwe to good weather and agricultural output.

a. + output >>共 376
industrial 16.99%
economic 6.15%
manufacturing 5.66%
total 2.89%
increased 2.61%
higher 2.12%
lower 1.91%
acid 1.91%
agricultural 1.53%
global 1.42%
agricultural + n. >>共 586
product 9.90%
land 4.29%
sector 4.10%
production 3.77%
subsidy 2.27%
export 2.10%
worker 1.75%
cooperative 1.73%
goods 1.69%
development 1.67%
output 0.58%
每页显示:    共 28