81.  A native of Atlanta, Clark was raised in Indianapolis.

82.  A different issue was raised by George Weigel, head of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, a neoconservative think tank.

83.  A quorum was raised in the Chamber of Deputies for the debate to begin shortly before trading ended on the stock exchange.

84.  A native of Ontario, Canada, Hartman was raised in Connecticut and Southern California.

85.  A million and a half dollars were raised by one priest, Father Mateo Sheedy, and two immigrant communities that found a bond of faith across the decades.

86.  A native of Lucca, Italy, Nomellini was raised in Chicago.

87.  A self-taught musician, Yanni was raised in the small seaside town of Kalamata, Greece.

88.  Accusations of inadequate medical care and allegations inmates have been beaten were raised by a lawsuit filed by inmates against the jail.

89.  Adams and Bush were raised in privileged circumstances in well-connected families.

90.  All eyes are raised to the stars -- movie stars, that is.

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