41.  The probability matrix is raised to successively higher powers in much the same way.

42.  The issue was raised during the recent presentations of the annual results for the company when GBW managing director was asked whether Guinness would consider issuing such scrip dividends.

43.  His spirits were raised by a phone call from his absent host, promising that he and Milton would be along mid-evening with a take-away.

44.  Eicosanoid mediators of inflammation are raised in animal models of radiation injury to the gut.

45.  The serum urea concentration was raised to a similar extent in the renal failure patients with or without H pylori infection.

46.  Funds to help Pauline Sparks become a teacher were raised from a sponsored walk undertaken by Hila Hyam.

47.  Hinrich Medau was raised in the north German countryside before specialising in gymnastics, sport and music at teacher training college.

48.  Accountability was raised by John.

49.  The chancel is raised over a crypt below.

50.  They were raised in the middle years of the last century from sturdy stocks and grey slate, with glorious tiled floors and superb vaulted ceilings.

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