1.   Bisceglie provided typewritten copies of the writing samples to the FBI and ultimately introduced David Kaczynski to agents in February.

2.   Bisceglie provided similar writing samples to the FBI.

3.   Experts agree that valid competency tests should rely on several writing samples, involving perhaps a longer and differently structured test period.

4.   Gordon moves in and around the writing samples he offers from his student convicts, which are unsparing and often bone-chilling.

5.   He said the test was not a writing sample, but includes questions involving the structure of language and standard written English.

6.   However the new writing sample is used, many see it as a welcome addition to their arsenal of tools for evaluating applicants.

7.   Instead he submitted a routine writing sample.

8.   Liu turned in a writing sample and was offered the job.

9.   She left a writing sample and returned to the University of Iowa for graduate work.

10.   She takes a writing sample at the beginning of the semester and compares it with the kind of writing students submit on-line.

a. + sample >>共 409
free 8.14%
small 7.83%
random 5.30%
second 4.84%
representative 4.38%
large 2.46%
first 2.15%
new 1.38%
writing 1.38%
scientific 1.38%
writing + n. >>共 427
style 4.34%
skill 3.81%
career 3.81%
program 3.55%
letter 3.39%
book 2.54%
song 2.33%
class 1.96%
fiction 1.43%
poetry 1.43%
sample 0.95%
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