1.   And I think that Paul has a smile on his face as he writes that verse.

2.   Eddie wrote light verse and became editor of Punch.

3.   He enjoyed sketching, writing verse and playing music.

4.   Ottavio Rinuccini, who had written verses for the ladies of Ferrara, was one of the poets.

5.   He even wrote light verse, usually for family consumption.

6.   He often wrote humorous verse, then accompanied it with pictures with pull-tabs that created movement.

7.   He wrote a few verses to commemorate the death of Princess Diana.

8.   It could be that Dean had the acoustic part and all the chords down, then Mark wrote a verse and Darius wrote the lyrics.

9.   Livingston wrote anapestic verses to his family every Christmas.

10.   Nor is it clear just which verses were written by bin Laden himself.

v. + verse >>共 93
recite 14.45%
write 8.37%
read 8.37%
sing 5.32%
chant 3.04%
quote 3.04%
broadcast 2.66%
use 2.28%
memorize 2.28%
cite 2.28%
write + n. >>共 540
book 13.93%
letter 10.33%
song 2.96%
article 2.81%
story 2.60%
check 2.40%
column 2.37%
novel 1.98%
script 1.91%
report 1.76%
verse 0.16%
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