1.   A leading wines and spirits producer and distributor wrote of generally good candidates and satisfactory performance.

2.   Also, in writing of events the writer is certain to have to abbreviate any descriptions very sharply.

3.   Careful planning of facilities, writing of infection control policies and staff training ensures continuity of care and is cost-effective.

4.   George Orwell wrote of the civil war within a civil war, for he was present when this conflict erupted in Barcelona.

5.   He also writes of how his illness changed him, how this worldly man gained a spirituality without losing his edge.

6.   He writes of himself in the third person.

7.   He wrote of the calm sea at St Malo, the pink sky, the sweet air.

8.   I have written of hypnotism with fear and trepidation.

9.   It is Leavis rather than Lewis who, when he writes of literature, sounds washed in the blood of the Lamb.

10.   It would be impertinent of me to write of Zuckerman.

v. + of >>共 1057
die 8.10%
speak 6.41%
complain 4.42%
talk 2.20%
lifting 1.82%
signing 1.78%
compose 1.33%
say 0.97%
part 0.91%
be 0.86%
write 0.36%
write + p. >>共 60
for 32.10%
in 23.40%
on 8.52%
by 8.30%
with 4.95%
off 3.09%
of 2.76%
into 2.64%
as 1.80%
from 1.80%
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