1.   I would have thought Tim would have had it worse from contact erm wise.

2.   And it gets worse from here.

3.   And it got worse from there.

4.   And, even worse from a display perspective, blue and green OLED units do slotnot last as long as red ones.

5.   But Morales seemed worse from the wear of the fight than Barrera did.

6.   Every year, conditions east of the Philippines send a score of violent storms howling toward Asia, but it is worse from June through October.

7.   He wound up with a double-bogey and things got worse from there.

8.   In fact, television will only get worse from here as reporters search for new angles and come up with the ridiculous.

9.   In fact, television will only get worse from here, as reporters search for new angles and come up with the ridiculous.

10.   It only got worse from there.

a. + from >>共 1018
available 8.80%
absent 4.47%
away 3.16%
far 3.03%
apart 2.32%
clear 2.30%
visible 1.99%
isolated 1.82%
unchanged 1.66%
en_route 1.22%
worse 0.14%
worse + p. >>共 46
for 29.49%
in 14.26%
off 13.70%
by 12.65%
with 4.96%
as 3.91%
on 2.59%
at 1.75%
without 1.68%
from 1.54%
每页显示:    共 22