1.   After a few early days of shortages, as worried residents bought up imperishables, the state funneled new supplies into the shops.

2.   But no one is offering worried residents a convincing answer as to whether the low levels of the substance poses a threat to their health.

3.   But no one is offering worried residents a convincing answer about whether the low levels of the substance poses a threat to their health.

4.   Gordon said the pharmacist was busy taking calls from other worried residents.

5.   In Roseville, where homes were flooded during January storms, officials handed out sandbags to worried residents as streams continued to rise.

6.   In the Brookhaven neighborhood, worried residents are campaigning for historic district status.

7.   It sent worried residents out into the street and had seismologists and other scientists pondering again if The Big One could ever strike here.

8.   Once the danger was revealed it took years of grass-roots action by worried local residents to get action.

9.   Since the first incident Sunday, Scottsdale police have seen an increase in calls from worried residents reporting coyote sightings.

10.   Soon after arriving, she got a call from some worried Claryville residents seeking to save the Red Hill tower.

a. + resident >>共 1013
local 23.23%
permanent 3.60%
legal 2.95%
longtime 2.94%
former 2.62%
palestinian 2.02%
new 1.84%
elderly 1.55%
angry 1.55%
foreign 1.48%
worried 0.40%
worried + n. >>共 224
parent 11.13%
resident 4.99%
look 4.56%
investor 4.28%
sick 4.14%
man 3.14%
relative 2.57%
mother 2.14%
family 1.85%
consumer 1.85%
每页显示:    共 35