1.   At the same time many working people have had their belts tightened for them as factories closed and unions accepted cutbacks.

2.   Decent working people are frustrated at the level of crime in the cities.

3.   For the first time, in many cases, working people were able to purchase more than basic necessities.

4.   For years, an important desire of many working people has been to take annual holidays in the sun.

5.   It was said that the working people of London had no need to bolt their doors at any time.

6.   Taking time out just to relax each day is important for busy working people.

7.   The growth of public sector unionism raises starkly the issue of alliances between workers as producers and working people as consumers.

8.   The landowners lived centrally, and around them, in concentric circles as it were, lived the working people.

9.   The President likes to portray himself as a friend of working people.

a. + people >>共 764
young 11.76%
american 3.10%
local 2.46%
poor 2.44%
older 2.30%
ordinary 2.18%
elderly 2.02%
homeless 1.50%
black 1.46%
innocent 1.28%
working 0.60%
working + n. >>共 768
condition 12.25%
group 10.95%
relationship 6.39%
hour 5.91%
people 3.72%
woman 3.54%
family 3.31%
parent 2.59%
life 2.48%
mother 2.27%
每页显示:    共 265