1.   Both let you look up word definitions on your computer while writing.

2.   But trying to assign arbitrary yardage figures for each level may be as futile or even misleading as word definitions.

3.   Some repeatedly asked for word definitions or questions about word origin and Latin and Greek roots.

4.   The game provides hints and word definitions.

5.   You can look up word definitions or find out when Oliver Cromwell ruled England or where Mozambique is located.

n. + definition >>共 96
dictionary 14.29%
job 4.40%
root 3.85%
muscle 3.30%
problem 3.30%
word 2.75%
module 2.20%
procedure 2.20%
process 2.20%
class 1.65%
word + n. >>共 919
game 3.71%
spread 1.58%
problem 1.58%
string 1.31%
recognition 1.24%
list 1.17%
boundary 1.10%
choice 1.10%
count 0.89%
association 0.76%
definition 0.34%
每页显示:    共 5