1.   The wolf had eaten a bird before the man had hunted and killed it.

2.   But no one has been harmed, and no sheep or cattle have been eaten by wolves.

3.   Everyone fed him, and the wolf never ate a human again.

4.   On carts in summer, on sleds in winter, he carried corpses out to woods where the wolves ate them.

5.   Penned wolves already are eating road-kill elk, deer and antelope, the same prey they eventually will kill and eat in the wild.

6.   The balancing of nature that the pro-wolf faction uses as a rationale is supposed to come into play when wolves eat into burgeoning deer herds and beaver packs.

7.   The vet found the wolf had recently eaten a calf.

8.   The wolves eat anything from small animals like mice and rabbits to larger species like sheep and cattle.

9.   Wolves eat moose, the preferred prey of human hunters.

10.   Last week, officials reported that wolves have eaten dozens of dogs this winter, as well as attacking and partly eating another wolf.

n. + eat >>共 659
people 12.44%
child 4.38%
family 3.86%
kid 2.30%
dog 2.30%
man 1.65%
animal 1.43%
woman 1.13%
bird 0.95%
fish 0.95%
wolf 0.61%
wolf + v. >>共 164
be 17.39%
have 4.60%
kill 4.09%
eat 3.58%
attack 2.81%
go 2.30%
come 2.30%
make 2.30%
leave 1.53%
live 1.53%
每页显示:    共 14