1.   And had I not wiped the floor with the little squirt, conversationally speaking?

2.   Have your best conversationalists around to tea or dinner and Richard would wipe the floor with them.

3.   In silence she wiped the floor and retrieved the cup.

4.   It was never his habit to try to wipe the floor with anyone.

5.   She wiped the floor with her opponent in the debate.

6.   The magazine Jamming saw the band wipe the floor with all opposition in all categories outside the female sections.

7.   This is good because it prevents the enemy character wiping the floor with your Goblins.

8.   Yet Oakland were also supposed to wipe the floor with Los Angeles a year ago.

v. + floor >>共 461
hit 6.56%
reach 5.55%
cover 5.51%
take 5.05%
run 3.63%
litter 3.34%
have 2.76%
leave 2.30%
sweep 2.25%
mop 2.05%
wipe 1.09%
wipe + n. >>共 272
tear 23.08%
eye 8.81%
sweat 5.13%
brow 4.33%
face 3.61%
hand 3.29%
mouth 2.96%
nose 2.80%
floor 2.08%
foot 1.76%
每页显示:    共 26