1.   An IMF team of officials is negotiating with Bulgarian officials this week in Sofia.

2.   American officials this week repeated their longstanding threat to attack any Iraqi troops south of that line.

3.   An NTSB official this week said the part is tapped and inspectors listen for voids.

4.   And in the past few weeks law enforcement officials say even Colombian drug lords have caught on, shipping cocaine through Bosnia to Croatia, Italy and Austria.

5.   A cache of stolen uranium was intercepted by Georgian officials this week, underscoring the continuing danger of nuclear theft in the former Soviet Union.

6.   A series of soothing comments by Treasury and central bank officials this week also have taken that stand.

7.   A spokesman for Houston-based Conoco defended the contract and said company officials will meet with administration officials this week to discuss the deal.

8.   But when Robert Gallucci, the special U.S. envoy on the missile issue, met with Russian officials this week, a number of cases remained unresolved.

9.   City officials this week declared the mosquitoes a health hazard based on their sheer numbers and after complaints from hospitals at the sprawling Texas Medical Center.

10.   Congressional leaders will sit down with administration officials this week to try to hammer out a tax and budget package.

n. + official >>共 339
government 15.68%
administration 6.51%
security 5.00%
city 4.28%
police 4.19%
company 3.43%
ministry 3.37%
health 3.21%
enforcement 2.61%
school 2.27%
week 0.12%
week + n. >>共 1265
time 3.03%
meeting 1.75%
report 1.46%
interview 1.36%
talk 1.15%
day 1.08%
practice 1.08%
official 0.79%
market 0.76%
game 0.68%
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