1.   A major problem in valuing the volunteer Market in sport is that no accepted shadow wage rate is used.

2.   As wage rates rise, if the substitution effect dominates, the end result is falling consumption of time-intensive commodities.

3.   Controlling for the other variables, Thaler and Rosen found a clear systematic tendency for wage rates to rise with increasing risk.

4.   I remember when sick pay and conditions were added and when, under the wages councils, wage rates were raised.

5.   It is for these reasons that wage rates differ from one job to the next.

6.   It is the demand and supply conditions in these segmented Markets which help to determine the wage rates of different workers.

n. + rate >>共 614
growth 6.29%
unemployment 6.02%
inflation 5.98%
tax 5.40%
crime 5.32%
mortality 2.05%
fund 1.89%
market 1.74%
success 1.51%
saving 1.39%
wage 0.66%
wage + n. >>共 260
increase 19.99%
growth 5.23%
pressure 4.52%
rate 3.51%
hike 2.97%
cost 2.94%
rise 2.60%
demand 2.46%
cut 2.40%
agreement 2.33%
每页显示:    共 103