1.   A main goal is to find out where Ebola virus resides between epidemics.

2.   The scientists also are beginning studies to learn where the virus resides between epidemics.

3.   The virus usually resides in birds, but it can be spread to humans and other mammals by infected mosquitoes that feed on infected birds before biting.

4.   Viruses can reside only in certain kinds of files, so there is no need to scan every single thing on your computer.

5.   And researchers do not know where the virus resides between outbreaks or how the first victim contracts it.

6.   Most experts believe that genetically stable flu viruses reside harmlessly in birds, but that occasionally one of these bird viruses infects pigs.

7.   No one know where the virus resides between outbreaks or how the first person in an outbreak contracts it.

8.   No one knows where the virus resides between outbreaks or how the first person in an outbreak contracts it.

n. + reside >>共 225
power 8.12%
family 4.35%
virus 2.32%
team 2.32%
most 1.74%
member 1.45%
air 1.16%
people 1.16%
player 1.16%
population 1.16%
virus + v. >>共 333
be 20.35%
spread 5.97%
cause 5.97%
infect 3.03%
kill 2.25%
have 2.01%
appear 1.96%
mutate 1.91%
come 1.71%
attack 1.66%
reside 0.39%
每页显示:    共 8