1.   As always, the victory was not a cakewalk, despite the final victory margin.

2.   A previous recount by the secretary of the state gave Gejdenson a four-vote victory margin.

3.   But after a wide victory margin Tuesday night that surprised even his own campaign, McCain began using the rhetoric of a frontrunner for the first time.

4.   But coaches around the country and other administrators felt victory margins should be completely eliminated.

5.   Had everyone voted that year, there would have been the same winner and the same victory margin.

6.   He won the Heisman Trophy by the fourth-largest victory margin, and his countenance will certainly liven up the portrait room in the Downtown Athletic Club.

7.   If both teams remain undefeated, victory margin could determine the Fiesta Bowl participants.

8.   In choosing Madeleine Albright as secretary of state, Clinton has rewarded the women of the country, whose votes gave him his entire victory margin last month.

9.   Is there a Democrat who can get the financing to take on Barr, who has not shown a wide victory margin in races against underfinanced Democrats.

10.   It is the bedrock of conservative Republicanism in California, often providing the statewide victory margin for GOP candidates.

n. + margin >>共 167
error 9.86%
victory 9.66%
interest 8.25%
one-vote 5.03%
safety 4.63%
turnover 3.42%
two-goal 2.21%
vote 1.81%
ulcer 1.61%
plate 1.41%
victory + n. >>共 207
lap 17.78%
speech 7.94%
celebration 7.35%
sign 6.89%
lane 4.86%
party 4.46%
parade 4.27%
margin 3.15%
stand 2.56%
rally 2.49%
每页显示:    共 48