1.   A pleasant floral aroma with woody undertones this tasted like a very dry pale sherry with bubbles which had a tannic aftertaste.

2.   Depending on the presence of soil moisture, they are absent from very dry ground and vary in structure according to wetness.

3.   Drain very dry.

4.   I was trembling and my mouth was very dry.

5.   It is a very dry area and only has rain during the wet season.

6.   It was a very dry summer.

7.   Its native climate combines cold winters, with the winds blowing off the North Sea, and very dry summers.

8.   John is sparse of frame and comment but had a very dry humour.

9.   My legs are still shaky and my mouth has gone very dry.

d. + dry >>共 184
mainly 8.93%
too 8.21%
very 7.74%
mostly 5.76%
relatively 4.17%
generally 4.17%
unusually 4.10%
so 3.64%
long 3.44%
completely 3.18%
very + a. >>共 816
good 4.93%
different 4.07%
few 2.52%
difficult 2.39%
little 2.34%
important 2.15%
high 1.68%
small 1.55%
close 1.42%
low 1.40%
dry 0.19%
每页显示:    共 116