1.   Then the black vehicle drove slowly away.

2.   I suspect that vehicles were driving too close.

3.   Authorities detained the pair when alera bomb-sniffing dog that the vehicle Garofalo was driving was carrying explosives.

4.   A U.N. official said vehicles were driving from place to place within the weapons exclusion zone, but apparently were not taking weapons out of it.

5.   Honda, for example, is banking on sports-utility vehicles to drive sales in Japan for through the end of the decade.

6.   In getting away from the havoc, the carabinieri vehicle drove over the dead or dying man.

7.   Last week, in the northern city of St.-Marc, a vehicle drove into a crowd there, killing six people, Haitian radio reports said.

8.   Only an occasional vehicle drove along Pennsylvania Avenue.

9.   The vehicle drives around its target, a building full of government computer systems.

10.   Two teen-aged girls were walking Precious when a sports utility vehicle drove up to them and two women and a little girl began admiring the dog.

n. + drive >>共 1656
car 3.41%
man 2.60%
people 2.14%
force 1.80%
troop 1.15%
police 1.13%
woman 1.06%
truck 0.89%
vehicle 0.84%
motorist 0.84%
vehicle + v. >>共 524
be 21.67%
have 4.27%
hit 3.16%
come 2.50%
go 1.99%
roll 1.71%
run 1.42%
drive 1.39%
carry 1.31%
travel 1.22%
每页显示:    共 49