1.   A year after a much-criticized Vatican document on the Holocaust, Jewish and Christian scholars find even its weaknesses a tool of reconciliation.

2.   In parts of the world where Catholic anti-Semitism lingers, the Vatican document will be a powerful tool of tolerance.

3.   Indeed, the bulk of his argument was built around two Vatican documents dealing with homosexuality.

4.   Paul II apologizing for the sins of the church and a controversial Vatican document, much misunderstood, saying the Roman Catholic Church is the full way to salvation.

5.   Rather than addressing this issue separately, the Vatican document shifts immediately to the second question, of Christian conduct once the campaign against the Jews had begun.

6.   The Vatican document echoes his views.

7.   Yet the Vatican document skirts the issue entirely, and this handling of Pius is of a piece with its treatment of the church generally.

8.   Zakim told those inside the auditorium that critics of the Vatican document on the Holocaust should take heart from events such as the Irish-Jewish seder.

9.   A major Vatican document last month expressed remorse for the silence of some Christians.

10.   A Vatican document on Saturday firmly restated church doctrine on women in the priesthood, saying the ban against women priests is irrevocable.

a. + document >>共 1076
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