1.   It does not age successfully, and its flavor is altered by vacuum packing, but it requires little skill to trim and sell.

2.   The Guangzhou factory, which will make the three-piece cans used for vacuum packing, has four of six production lines in operation.

3.   They are ideal for two-person households, and with vacuum packing they hold well in the refrigerator.

4.   They are ideal for two-person households, and with vacuum packing they hold in the refrigerator for weeks.

a. + packing >>共 36
close 13.46%
busy 7.69%
vacuum 7.69%
better 3.85%
cubic 3.85%
easy 3.85%
sent 3.85%
dreaded 1.92%
dynamite 1.92%
efficient 1.92%
vacuum + n. >>共 83
chamber 8.43%
device 7.23%
truck 6.02%
energy 4.22%
hose 4.22%
system 3.61%
attachment 2.41%
bag 2.41%
packing 2.41%
container 1.81%
每页显示:    共 4