1.   Primo unzips his bag, removes his leather jacket, reaches into the pocket and takes out his keys.

2.   James unzipped his bag.

3.   Curious, I unzipped the bag.

4.   Tears welled in their eyes as they unzipped the bags.

5.   They unzipped the bags to check each little body for a pulse, then zipped the bags back up again.

v. + bag >>共 447
pack 12.48%
carry 7.26%
check 4.19%
search 3.56%
open 2.77%
hold 2.28%
take 1.98%
have 1.88%
find 1.78%
use 1.62%
unzip 0.17%
unzip + n. >>共 34
pant 14.06%
jacket 9.38%
file 9.38%
bag 7.81%
fly 4.69%
dress 4.69%
top 4.69%
cover 3.13%
boot 3.13%
backpack 1.56%
每页显示:    共 5