1.   However, incorrect stretching can cause untold damage and even permanent injuries in extreme cases.

2.   Inaccurate information from an uninformed physician can cause untold damage to the best educational program.

3.   It could inflict untold damage if he were to break that trust and be indiscreet.

4.   The rumours will do untold damage to his reputation.

5.   The slide seemed empty, yet its contents could do untold damage.

6.   They were already well within the shield zone and, had the barge been hostile, it could have inflicted untold damage.

7.   This might do untold damage to her health.

8.   Chemical seepage has caused untold damage.

9.   On the contrary, said the voice, it could do his case untold damage.

a. + damage >>共 702
serious 6.76%
minor 5.55%
environmental 4.79%
extensive 4.33%
unspecified 4.14%
major 3.95%
structural 2.89%
severe 2.78%
heavy 2.58%
further 2.56%
untold 0.28%
untold + n. >>共 105
number 22.11%
million 9.21%
damage 7.37%
thousand 6.58%
story 3.95%
billion 3.42%
riches 3.42%
hour 2.63%
suffering 2.37%
consequence 2.11%
每页显示:    共 28