1.   Opponents of sampling say it is an unscientific technique that could exaggerate the number of minorities.

2.   Opponents of the process, primarily Republicans, say it is an unscientific technique that could exaggerate the number of minorities.

3.   Opponents of sampling say it is an unscientific technique that could unfairly cause the count to exaggerate the number of minorities.

4.   The opponents of sampling, primarily Republicans, say it is an unscientific technique that could exaggerate the number of minorities.

a. + technique >>共 1362
new 9.74%
same 2.40%
different 1.78%
similar 1.39%
modern 1.35%
basic 1.33%
surgical 1.15%
cooking 1.03%
proper 1.03%
marketing 1.01%
unscientific 0.08%
unscientific + n. >>共 36
survey 25.00%
poll 14.13%
sampling 10.87%
study 5.43%
test 4.35%
technique 4.35%
belief 2.17%
sample 2.17%
term 2.17%
horse-race 1.09%
每页显示:    共 4