1.   The Turkish army was said by the Iraqi government and by some media reports to have used napalm.

2.   Among his most startling innovations has been a drive to erode the obsessive secrecy that has traditionally shrouded the Turkish army.

3.   Erkoc is looking forward to the rest of this year, not only because of the lucrative projects he is overseeing for the Turkish army and Gadhafi.

4.   For years it has been off limits to visitors because it was close to regions that were caught in the war between the Turkish army and Kurdish rebels.

5.   He had been taunting the Turkish army for years, and had killed many Turkish soldiers.

6.   His visage is carved into the hillside of a Turkish army base in the badlands of the southeast, and his bust stares at passersby from bank windows.

7.   In a separate decision last week, the European Court of Human Rights condemned the Turkish army for burning a village in southeast Turkey.

8.   In October, two groups of guerrillas ceremoniously surrendered to the Turkish army.

9.   Kurdish separatists here are fighting the Turkish army, and four of the nine provinces in the project area are under emergency rule.

10.   Occasionally, convoys of Turkish army troops pass by, raising more dust as they head north into the mountains in search of Kurdish guerrillas.

a. + army >>共 410
israeli 23.37%
yugoslav 6.08%
bosnian 5.93%
former 3.82%
croatian 3.28%
russian 2.63%
lebanese 2.25%
indian 2.24%
general 1.55%
british 1.55%
turkish 0.93%
turkish + n. >>共 968
official 5.16%
troop 5.13%
government 4.83%
authority 3.15%
soldier 2.13%
army 2.06%
leader 1.48%
newspaper 1.45%
force 1.44%
military 1.41%
每页显示:    共 193