1.   At all four sites, Sugimoto said, trucks sprayed clouds of invisible mist.

2.   By day, trucks spray near ground zero to minimize dust.

3.   City employees distributed bottled water, and municipal tank trucks sprayed the people to cool them.

4.   Light green fire trucks sprayed water and fire retardant on the flames.

5.   The trucks sprayed clouds of invisible mist at American Navy installations at Yokohama and Yokosuka.

6.   The trucks would spray the street, and for a while, the mosquitoes would be gone.

7.   With fire trucks spraying them with water, the Vietnamese were dragged from the rooftops of their wooden barracks by police officers carrying truncheons and crowbars.

8.   A fire truck sprayed the landing pad with water in in an attempt to control dust whipped up by the choppers.

9.   At one point, a fire truck sprayed protesters with water and police dragged singing and clapping men out of the road.

10.   At one point, a fire truck sprayed protesters with water and police dragged singing and clapping male demonstrators out of the road.

n. + spray >>共 220
gunman 10.78%
attacker 4.69%
police 4.53%
firefighter 2.81%
truck 2.50%
man 2.34%
worker 2.34%
farmer 2.19%
soldier 2.19%
official 2.03%
truck + v. >>共 460
be 11.97%
carry 4.19%
arrive 2.88%
have 2.82%
come 2.73%
pull 2.36%
take 2.08%
hit 1.83%
drive 1.61%
leave 1.61%
spray 0.50%
每页显示:    共 16