1.   Because the conflict means that similar cases will be treated differently depending on where they are heard, GE said, the high court should clear up the dispute.

2.   The GOP claims the manual recounts are unconstitutional since they mean some voters are treated differently depending on where they live.

3.   The GOP claims they are unconstitutional since they mean some voters are treated differently depending on where they live.

4.   They argue that manual recounts are unconstitutional since they mean some voters are treated differently depending on where they live.

v. + depend >>共 98
vary 11.48%
be 8.74%
change 3.83%
fall 3.83%
say 3.83%
go 2.73%
treat 2.19%
use 2.19%
grow 1.64%
become 1.64%
treat + v. >>共 96
accord 8.38%
be 5.76%
make 5.24%
use 5.24%
prevent 3.66%
remove 3.66%
say 2.62%
suffer 2.62%
wound 2.62%
depend 2.09%
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