1.   Day-trippers to Catalina can take tram tours throughout the island, shop or spend the day on the beach.

2.   One of the challenges folks in charge of revamping the tram tour at Universal Studios Hollywood had was what to do about Bruce.

3.   Other holiday events include weekend festivals, a candlelight tram tour, and tours of historic homes and inns.

4.   Ranger-led tram tours give visitors a chance to see wildlife in remote areas of the park.

5.   The tram tour is the only loser.

6.   The tram tour through the studio lots is like a trip into the past, the sites of creation of thousands of movies.

7.   Tram tours of the sprawling stable area are offered on weekends.

8.   English speakers have their tram tour narrated by Jeremy Irons, while Italians listen to Isabella Rossellini.

9.   Visitors explore the cave during a one-hour tram tour that is accessible by wheelchair.

10.   While English speakers have their tram tour narrated by Jeremy Irons, Italians listen to Isabella Rossellini.

n. + tour >>共 676
bus 5.51%
book 5.29%
world 3.81%
concert 3.47%
farewell 2.20%
summer 2.08%
year 1.96%
group 1.70%
lecture 1.53%
cricket 1.46%
tram 0.24%
tram + n. >>共 37
service 19.05%
ride 8.73%
car 7.94%
tour 7.94%
station 7.14%
line 5.56%
system 4.76%
driver 3.97%
passenger 3.17%
flap 3.17%
每页显示:    共 10