1.   All members of staff attend regular training sessions.

2.   All stretching exercises should be practised every day, not just at the weekly or twice-weekly training sessions at the club.

3.   Bett has problems with a painful toe, and McClair strained a hamstring during a training session on Sunday.

4.   Breathing exercises should be performed at the end of each training session.

5.   Charles Ruff, a Ciba-Geigy salesman based in Charlotte, regularly runs lunch-hour training sessions for veterinarians.

6.   David never missed a training session, seminar or meeting, he always managed to fit everything into his busy schedule.

7.   Employee Development Programs help employees develop their talents and capacities through training sessions, workshops, and the like.

8.   Every training session starts with a series of exercises.

9.   Farmers must apply for permits to use the new chemicals and attend training sessions, Minch said.

10.   For more than a year, Chula Vista emergency officials had been planning special flood training sessions.

a. + session >>共 513
training 4.56%
straight 4.53%
first 4.07%
second 3.77%
legislative 3.19%
emergency 2.77%
next 2.70%
consecutive 2.48%
opening 2.16%
parliamentary 2.09%
training + n. >>共 411
camp 28.46%
program 8.49%
session 5.39%
exercise 3.66%
center 3.51%
course 2.84%
mission 2.29%
facility 2.18%
ground 2.07%
programme 1.55%
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