1.   A handful have even been elected to Parliament, including one man whose glistening teeth are all false, replacements for the ones smashed out in torture sessions.

2.   His wrists were dislocated, his teeth were broken and his intestines so badly damaged by kicks from torture sessions that he needed two operations.

3.   In another, amnesty applicants said one victim had died of a heart attack during a torture session.

4.   In another prolonged torture session, the victim begged to be killed so he could join his murdered daughter.

5.   In another torture session, police dunked him repeatedly in a tub of water.

6.   It may sound reminiscent of some sort of medieval torture session.

7.   Kang explained that in some countries, it is customary to have a physician present during torture sessions to assess how close the victim is to death.

8.   She has studied trial transcripts, including records of torture sessions.

9.   The initial torture session lasted six days, after which Johnson was tossed into a cramped cell, with a large rat as his only companion.

10.   The torturers told Alejo he could end the torture sessions by signing a confession, he said.

n. + session >>共 665
morning 11.37%
practice 10.52%
court 4.95%
parliament 3.14%
strategy 2.85%
photo 2.81%
therapy 1.68%
marathon 1.60%
two-day 1.39%
interview 1.39%
torture 0.44%
torture + n. >>共 64
victim 14.58%
chamber 14.32%
charge 7.55%
allegation 7.03%
mark 6.51%
center 5.47%
session 5.47%
case 4.17%
device 3.13%
cell 2.34%
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