1.   A new report released today shows that people in the Midwest are most likely to contribute to private charities.

2.   A separate government report today shows why farmers are expanding corn acreage.

3.   But the problem with the center, as the election held on Sunday and completed today shows, is that it is almost always associated with Yeltsin.

4.   Consumer spending, which makes up three-fifths of the economy, remains weak, figures released today show.

5.   Missouri has the second-highest percentage of structurally deficient bridges in the nation, a report to be released today shows.

6.   Records released today show at least four of them spent the night.

7.   The negotiations over the resolution to be presented today show just how difficult it is to satisfy the other Security Council members.

8.   The scarcity of books in the hallways today shows how alienated the students have become from the tools they need to survive in the information society.

9.   They were also boosted by concern the Federal Reserve may raise interest rates if a U.S. unemployment report due out later today shows the economy growing faster than expected.

10.   Young adults would rather teach than manage, a poll released today shows.

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