1.   A few lonely men nursing a half-empty glass patted the floor in time to the music.

2.   A good warm-up is essential every time to prevent injury and to achieve the most effective results.

3.   After someone dies, it can take a long time to work through your grief.

4.   Alternatively, a courier will smuggle often millions of pounds at a time to a country where banking secrecy offers greater protection.

5.   And more men are turning down promotion or relocation in order to give more time to their families.

6.   And not such a bad parent-always with time to spare, always eager to please, often funny.

7.   Any new business venture takes time to establish.-Sufficient working capital to survive.

8.   Approximate journey time to London is four hours.

9.   Both Bill and Camille Cosby had devoted considerable time to education, family and cultural projects.

10.   But Joannides lost time to Yorkshire driver Brian Bell when the route moved on to the gravel roads.

n. + to >>共 1468
trip 1.94%
end 1.15%
letter 0.93%
approach 0.86%
close 0.79%
aid 0.74%
service 0.72%
damage 0.69%
tie 0.68%
flight 0.66%
time 0.44%
time + p. >>共 67
in 27.39%
of 18.20%
for 15.31%
with 5.26%
on 3.99%
to 3.52%
since 3.09%
a 3.08%
as 2.81%
at 2.32%
每页显示:    共 2377