1.   It was all so different then.

2.   If the CRCs are different then an error message is output.

3.   Why were things so different then?

4.   So, save a lot of things going to areas that you might do different then.

5.   So the rules are a bit different then?

6.   It was very different then.

7.   But Becker was different then.

8.   But conditions were much different then.

9.   But the circumstances were different then.

d. + different >>共 201
very 18.57%
no 7.04%
quite 5.09%
slightly 4.99%
entirely 4.58%
completely 4.43%
much 4.33%
far 3.21%
vastly 3.15%
so 3.07%
then 0.23%
then + a. >>共 975
in 4.63%
able 2.74%
on 1.75%
different 1.42%
due 1.42%
two 1.18%
all 1.09%
some 1.09%
more 1.04%
available 0.90%
每页显示:    共 30