1.   As the number of tests multiplies, so does the number of test takers.

2.   A test taker should concentrate on each question throughout the time period, according to Drew Gitomer, vice president of research at Educational Testing Service.

3.   But by itself this tells little about school quality because SAT test takers are not representative of all students.

4.   But they said that spending the money required to make tests virtually impregnable would drive up fees for test takers and create an intrusive atmosphere.

5.   By grouping the common prefixes, however, test takers and chalkboard writers can hedge their bets.

6.   Even worse, they are not designed to measure the rate of change in each test taker.

7.   First, the test taker is told simply to draw a person.

8.   For the test taker, the teen-ager and the tax filer, there is no other choice.

9.   In sum, these SAT programs might help average test takers bump up their scores without spending hundreds of dollars on an SAT prep course.

10.   In the TAT, test takers are shown a series of evocative pictures depicting domestic scenes and are asked to tell a story about each one.

n. + taker >>共 46
hostage 22.37%
census 19.47%
risk 12.37%
ticket 6.84%
poll 5.79%
test 5.00%
toll 4.21%
profit 2.89%
wicket 2.11%
drug 1.84%
test + n. >>共 744
result 16.60%
score 11.72%
site 4.88%
drive 2.80%
flight 2.75%
series 2.11%
car 1.65%
explosion 1.63%
run 1.59%
program 1.35%
taker 0.28%
每页显示:    共 19