1.   Virgins should remain silent and avoid temptations where temptations might lurk.

2.   But for cycling fans, temptation lurks in the form of the World Wide Web.

3.   Temptation lurks everywhere.

4.   Temptation lurks in every vending machine.

5.   Temptation lurks there in the form of Quick Draw, the casino-style game that New York state introduced three months ago.

n. + lurk >>共 291
danger 10.27%
trouble 3.77%
evil 2.94%
problem 1.26%
monster 1.26%
surprise 1.05%
threat 1.05%
disaster 1.05%
temptation 1.05%
virus 1.05%
temptation + v. >>共 39
be 80.26%
lurk 1.64%
come 1.32%
prove 1.32%
remain 1.32%
become 0.99%
have 0.99%
beckon 0.66%
begin 0.66%
get 0.66%
每页显示:    共 5