1.   And in lieu of table centerpieces, the family took the money that would have been spent on table decorations and made donations to several charities.

2.   Because there are so many windows and Smith and Rushing prefer an uncluttered look, wall art and table decorations are used sparingly.

3.   Divide according to indoor and outdoor, table decorations, mantel ornaments, etc.

4.   Fern fronds were highly sought-after table decorations, and were often dried and preserved through pressing.

5.   For table decorations, arrange colorful English garden-variety flowers in clear glass vases, clay pots or tin pails.

6.   He worked on the decorations for major holidays and consulted on a number of state dinners, advising on everything from the menus to the table decorations.

7.   Or try ceramic water pitchers in different sizes and colors but with the same kinds of flowers as table decorations.

8.   Ornaments in a bowl, a vase, or a wine glass make striking table decorations.

9.   She does lots of recipes and table decorations using coconuts and bamboo shoots.

10.   Table decorations with a butterfly motif were lined up in along the carpets in the hallways.

n. + decoration >>共 98
holiday 25.23%
table 7.34%
wall 5.50%
body 2.29%
cake 2.29%
house 1.83%
paper 1.83%
tree 1.83%
year 1.38%
lawn 1.38%
table + n. >>共 230
top 12.40%
setting 7.05%
saw 6.53%
lamp 4.57%
game 4.44%
leg 4.31%
cloth 3.26%
scrap 3.00%
decoration 2.09%
service 2.09%
每页显示:    共 16