1.   But the threat of the old section of the course has meant some swift action to deal with a worsening plight.

2.   With swift action and investment from all the industrialised nations, acid rain could become a thing of the past.

3.   Police say it was only swift action by security men that prevented a serious fire.

4.   Three cheers to UEFA for taking such swift action -- in contrast to the way they dithered with Leeds United and Stuttgart last season.

5.   HUNDREDS of signatures have been collected in a petition calling for swift action on the Skelton and Brotton Hospital.

6.   He added that if swift action was taken, new legislation could be in place by the end of the parliamentary session.

7.   And Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, called for swift federal action.

8.   Ashcroft has sent a package of counterterrorism legislation to Congress with a plea for swift action.

9.   Both Republican and Democratic leaders promised swift action.

a. + action >>共 551
military 13.59%
legal 11.10%
disciplinary 4.60%
further 2.89%
immediate 1.63%
possible 1.51%
similar 1.51%
quick 1.15%
congressional 1.13%
unilateral 1.02%
swift 0.76%
swift + n. >>共 445
action 11.11%
current 3.23%
response 2.39%
kick 2.39%
approval 2.25%
passage 2.18%
justice 1.83%
end 1.69%
resolution 1.62%
change 1.62%
每页显示:    共 157