1.   As well as scarifying to clear out thatch, we aerate to let air into the turf and release surface water.

2.   Surface waters in contact with melting ice tend to be very thinly populated with zooplankton.

3.   The relationship between min acidity and surface water acidity will vary from area to area.

4.   In a marsh, the surface water can sink slowly down through the soil into the rock below.

5.   Please note that both this department adn the Forth River Purification Board should be consulted over any proposals to discharge surface water to water courses.

6.   His penis floated, moved in the swirling surface water when he lay down, and he fingered it, remembering.

7.   The bicarbonate ion is invariably present in weathering solutions and is easily the most abundant anion in most surface waters.

8.   In arid climates there is generally insufficient surface water, whereas in periglacial regimes frost action may be so effective that solutional forms have little time to develop.

9.   A large area of its surface water is suffering from de-oxygenation due to algal growth.

a. + water >>共 700
cold 5.78%
coastal 4.53%
bottled 3.11%
running 2.91%
international 2.74%
boiling 2.63%
warm 2.42%
fresh 2.14%
clean 2.13%
atlantic 1.91%
surface 0.76%
surface + n. >>共 469
water 9.55%
pressure 7.10%
area 5.57%
trough 5.08%
temperature 3.61%
ship 3.12%
air 2.69%
wind 2.63%
layer 1.35%
street 1.22%
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