1.   A videotape subsequently surfaced that backed up Reed, showing Knight grabbing the player by the throat.

2.   No evidence has surfaced to back the charge.

3.   No evidence has surfaced to back the sensational charge.

4.   No evidence has surfaced to back up the allegation.

5.   Some analysts say Ciller knew of their shadowy ties to the criminal world, but no conclusive evidence has surfaced to back the charge.

v. + back >>共 131
use 8.77%
be 4.82%
will 3.51%
create 2.63%
win 2.63%
run 2.19%
surface 2.19%
receive 1.75%
return 1.75%
seek 1.75%
surface + v. >>共 45
be 8.57%
back 7.14%
indicate 7.14%
support 5.71%
suggest 4.29%
see 4.29%
implicate 2.86%
link 2.86%
play 2.86%
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