1.   Officials said that the move was temporary and that the companies would be paid for supplying petroleum products.

2.   This supplying the means infringement is useful as it applies to persons who supply products in kit form.

3.   The product must be supplied with instructions for use and adequate warning of any known danger.

4.   Safety is to be judged in terms of the time when the product was supplied.

5.   To ensure customers have continuity Courtaulds is supplying ICI products under an agreement to cover the transitional period.

6.   Andrea said it will supply its products to IBM on a per-order basis.

7.   After four years of slowing growth most industries -- ranging from televisions to cars -- can supply more products than Chinese people need.

8.   Both companies supply products that can mean life or death to critically ill people.

9.   But Source indicated that it plans to license another partner to supply Appetize products to retail stores.

10.   Coastal New York is a subsidiary of the Coastal Corp. of Houston, which refines and supplies petroleum products.

v. + product >>共 480
sell 12.51%
make 5.17%
buy 4.16%
market 3.76%
develop 3.59%
use 3.34%
introduce 1.94%
promote 1.84%
distribute 1.83%
produce 1.64%
supply 0.65%
supply + n. >>共 1240
information 3.66%
water 3.28%
equipment 2.28%
electricity 2.12%
power 1.83%
part 1.74%
weapon 1.63%
product 1.47%
troop 1.41%
arm 1.39%
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