1.   Many supermarkets now stock packaged shredded carrots and cabbage.

2.   More and more supermarkets are stocking healthy prepared meals.

3.   Most supermarkets still stock only the familiar butternut, acorn and spaghetti squash, and the occasional oddity, like a Jack Be Little miniature.

4.   My local supermarket stocks it in a separate section four aisles from the sodas and the other energy drinks.

5.   One fine cookie recipe she recalls calls for dried lemon zest, an item stocked by supermarkets that sell a good variety of spices and dried herbs.

6.   Sales of ice cream and margarine, for example, may plummet if supermarkets do not stock them because they cannot keep them cold.

7.   Some supermarkets even stock contraceptives at candy-free checkout lanes.

8.   Supermarkets stock a variety of meatless dishes, even veggie burgers and veggie bacon, which I find rather tasty.

9.   You can find all kinds of things, but the supermarkets do not stock deer meat or boiled corn bread.

n. + stock >>共 171
store 13.73%
shop 4.90%
retailer 4.25%
supermarket 2.94%
company 2.61%
bookstore 2.29%
team 1.63%
state 1.63%
home 1.31%
technology 1.31%
supermarket + v. >>共 181
be 17.76%
have 5.92%
sell 5.70%
offer 4.17%
carry 3.51%
run 2.41%
report 2.41%
stock 1.97%
begin 1.54%
make 1.54%
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