1.   A number of companies have submitted bids to buy the supermarket chain.

2.   A supermarket chain gave the name Pemberley to its own brand of champagne.

3.   Both of those editions were pulled off the racks by supermarket chains that had received complaints from customers.

4.   Consider Britain, where Tesco, a supermarket chain, is now the brand with the biggest ad budget.

5.   Discussions with another major supermarket chain should yield an own-label deal soon.

6.   In the case of the supermarket chain, size, not necessarily sole ownership, affects the quality of the food.

7.   Prices even vary within supermarket chains.

8.   Some retailers use distinctive packaging for their own brands, eg one supermarket chain packaged everything in bright yellow.

n. + chain >>共 421
supermarket 13.00%
retail 8.33%
restaurant 7.74%
hotel 7.48%
island 3.98%
fast-food 3.87%
discount 3.78%
supply 3.01%
theater 2.96%
grocery 2.84%
supermarket + n. >>共 290
chain 29.41%
shelf 9.65%
tabloid 8.04%
operator 3.22%
company 1.74%
aisle 1.67%
sale 1.42%
business 1.42%
branch 0.97%
manager 0.97%
每页显示:    共 454