1.   I thought a simple black dress would suit the occasion.

2.   She was a stylish woman, always dressed to suit the occasion.

3.   The series was moved to Cork from its usual four-year cycle to suit the occasion.

4.   The table was Decorated to suit the occasion.

5.   She gave a serious speech that suited the occasion.

6.   Each evening the menu reflects the theme with waiters wearing uniforms to suit the occasion and make each dinner a special experience.

7.   Appendix A contains precedents which can be adapted to suit the occasion.

8.   Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz lashed out Monday at the chief U.N. weapons inspector, Rolf Ekeus, saying he changed his statements to suit the occasion.

v. + occasion >>共 95
use 33.18%
mark 16.59%
have 9.28%
celebrate 5.18%
take 3.35%
commemorate 3.20%
remember 2.44%
suit 1.83%
provide 1.67%
fit 1.52%
suit + n. >>共 387
need 10.19%
game 4.14%
taste 4.03%
purpose 3.18%
style 2.55%
mood 1.49%
fine 1.38%
occasion 1.27%
circumstance 1.27%
interest 1.06%
每页显示:    共 12