1.   And his idiosyncratic style suits the role.

2.   But his lush style suits his story, a haunted, haunting tale of obsessive love.

3.   The new style suited her game, too.

4.   The style suited Lockhart perfectly.

5.   The style suits this group, for this Olympic experience, on several levels.

6.   The style suits the subject.

7.   The unusual cinematic style suits the tone of the drama.

8.   They boldly help themselves to whatever sources and styles suit their needs.

9.   Thomas said this style of preparation suits this team because the players are mature enough to handle it.

10.   This style suits Brian Leetch, the defenseman who is the other member of the Ranger trio.

n. + suit >>共 302
role 3.56%
course 2.72%
style 2.51%
condition 2.09%
approach 1.46%
system 1.46%
arrangement 1.26%
court 1.26%
draw 1.05%
game 1.05%
style + v. >>共 381
be 42.77%
have 3.19%
make 2.23%
change 2.14%
come 2.01%
become 1.55%
seem 1.50%
work 1.00%
include 0.87%
evolve 0.87%
suit 0.55%
每页显示:    共 12