1.   Parade watchers strained to get a better look.

2.   As game time approached, fans squirmed and strained to get a glimpse of Jordan.

3.   --- Few others were straining to get into the ceremonies.

4.   Adults and children alike strained to get closer.

5.   Flashbulbs popped and pens popped out with them, as fans strained to get an autograph on anything they had at hand -- footballs, jackets, note pads.

6.   His hands turned white as he strained to get at me.

7.   Meanwhile, Jamaicans strained to get a peep at Holyfield and Carter, sometimes even temporarily abandoning their place in voting lines to do so.

8.   Other OPEC members are straining to get rights to export more oil.

9.   People strain to get near the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination.

10.   Traffic slowed to nearly a standstill along Thomas and Scottsdale roads as drivers strained to get a view of the plane.

v. + get >>共 732
do 7.94%
work 7.35%
fight 3.81%
rush 3.58%
can 3.14%
be 2.36%
use 2.28%
figure 1.96%
out 1.38%
lie 1.22%
strain 0.51%
strain + v. >>共 142
hear 11.92%
see 8.14%
keep 4.65%
get 3.78%
find 2.91%
catch 2.91%
be 2.62%
make 2.33%
keep_up 2.33%
remove 2.03%
每页显示:    共 13