1.   But the Democrats were powerless to stop the onslaught.

2.   But they also acknowledged that they were eager to stop an onslaught of negative public attention.

3.   But there may be little the Bush campaign can do to stop the onslaught of crossovers.

4.   He could not stop the onslaught.

5.   His veterans, Byron Scott and Kersey, could not stop the onslaught.

6.   Most analysts agreed that Sharon would not defy a direct request from President Bush to stop the onslaught.

7.   Only the truly dedicated think deeply about what to do with damp dish towels or how to stop the onslaught of junk mail.

8.   The dividing line between stopping the onslaught and reversing it is not clear.

9.   Fighting eased in October when the threat of NATO action made Milosevic stop the onslaught.

10.   His comments follow the failure of the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to agree how to stop the Serb onslaught.

v. + onslaught >>共 81
survive 12.61%
withstand 6.31%
stop 6.31%
face 5.86%
continue 5.41%
handle 4.50%
launch 4.05%
resist 3.60%
start 3.60%
expect 2.25%
stop + n. >>共 1227
car 3.21%
attack 3.20%
violence 2.50%
fight 1.86%
work 1.65%
people 1.50%
traffic 1.18%
flow 1.15%
run 1.13%
vehicle 1.12%
onslaught 0.08%
每页显示:    共 14