1.   If the interviewers and investigators see youthful error behind the Phillips incident and genuine remorse afterward, his stock will rise.

2.   Semiconductor and computer stocks rose as investors anticipated robust demand for computers.

3.   In sum, accelerating accumulation pushed up employment quite rapidly, but not as fast as the stock of capital rose, since mechanization proceeded apace.

4.   Almost two stocks rose on the New York Stock Exchange for every one that retreated.

5.   Almost four stocks rose for every three that fell on the New York Stock Exchange.

6.   Almost six stocks rose for each that fell.

7.   Almost two stocks rose for every one that fell.

8.   Almost four stocks rose for every one that fell.

9.   Among broader indexes, stocks mostly rose.

10.   Among broader indexes, stocks rose.

n. + rise >>共 498
stock 17.07%
price 14.46%
dollar 4.79%
share 4.14%
bond 3.74%
future 2.95%
rate 2.65%
cost 1.59%
tension 1.56%
sale 1.40%
stock + v. >>共 329
fall 18.01%
rise 15.56%
be 12.01%
close 2.41%
tumble 1.54%
rally 1.48%
decline 1.48%
trade 1.43%
continue 1.35%
gain 1.27%
每页显示:    共 3952